Monthly Archives: September 2015

You Knew What You Signed Up For


I mean.


It shouldn’t surprise the zero people beside me that read this blog, dubbed “The Unmotivated Blogger”, that I haven’t posted a goddamn word in over two years. Not. One. Word. If that isn’t living up to a name, I don’t know what is.

I’ve been recently reminded of the existence of this blog after discussing my blog post for my after-hours gig as a Quizmaster at a local bar/restaurant (you jelly?). I began to remember faintly that I used to write my own posts on my own time*, and not on someone else’s (hint: “The Man”). Because FUCK deadlines.

That’s when I started to get that yearning, burning feeling, not unlike a UTI but not really like it, either. I realized that I missed this. Like, really missed this. I don’t give a shit if anyone else out there is reading this, it’s just nice to get out the weird fucking thoughts that flit about my brain and drive me and the dogs** I say shit to crazy.

The next thing I remembered was a folder I’ve had on my laptop for many moons now, simply titled “Blog Stuff”. I started this this post without having even opened that folder, because I’d like to share some of its contents and my genuine reaction to the stupid shit I’ve wasted precious RAM on for two goddamn years with you. Yes. You. Let’s see what’s inside!



Oooooh, yes, a strong start! Not sure what prompted me to save this gif (that’s with a hard “g”. Ladies…), but I could pretty much apply this to some situation I encounter every single fucking day. This is just…perfection. What’s next?




Ladies and gents, this is my brain. NEXT!

So much truth.

So much truth.

I have a feeling I found this image after encountering some sort of misogynistic pigheaded bullshit. Like, I bet some dude told me to “smile” or I was otherwise made to feel like I owe the world a prim and proper, ladylike face because I happen to own a vagina. Or some rando posted it on FB and it made me snort-laugh. Could really go either way. NEEXXTT!!



Well. That pretty much sums it up.

Well. That pretty much sums it up.

Yep, I think that’s a perfect image to end this post on. I was going to say “long-overdue post”, but then I thought, fuck that, this blog is not for anyone but me. IDGAF if I only end up posting once a year, or twice, or thrice, or if I end up going apeshit and posting every fucking day. In the end, this is an outlet for my brain to spew like a freshmen whenever it damn well pleases. If you happen to stumble across this and like it, even better! But just know what you’re signing up for.

* “on my own time” = four times over three years, apparently.
** Yes, dogS. As in plural. Starbuck has acquired a smaller, more-annoying younger brother named Scruffy. Yes, like the janitor. Here he is:


This is one of the few where he isn’t sleeping. He sleeps, like, a looooootttt.